About Us
In Kirk's 20+ years (2001 - present) of racing triathlons (pro level 2006-2013), he built, maintained, and fitted nearly all of the 20+ bikes he owned, including TT/Tri, road, gravel, CX, and mountain bikes. In 2011, Kirk began working on and fitting bikes for coaching clients. Kirk started out as the "Independent Bike Builder" (IBB) in April 2012, building and fitting custom spec'd triathlon and road bikes out of his kitchen for triathletes. He sourced parts and frames "independently" - without any vendor or brand affiliations. What began as a local word-of-mouth side-hustle to help make financial ends meet, the Independent Bike Builder Project quickly earned a reputation outside local Southern Utah to include national and even international clients.
In October 2013, Kirk opened up shop in Ivins Utah (still in same location) as IBB Cyclery & Multisport. Over the years he has enjoyed serving customers and clients utilizing the IBB FIT-->SPEC-->BUILD 3-step process. As of summer 2024, Kirk has performed ~900 Fits and ~600 Frame-up Custom Builds for clients and customers in ~39 states and ~11 countries.